Cat and Mouse


“And that points to a more fundamental problem for cryptocurrencies offering privacy: Any security flaw discovered in the future might apply retroactively, allowing observers to dig up old skeletons buried in the currency’s blockchain”.

Macro approach


“My overarching theme is against narrow thinking. If we want to solve our problems, we shouldn’t reduce them to problems of the brain. We need to keep a broad view, which recognizes how the brain is connected both to the body and to the environment” -Alan Jasanoff

China pride


“Shares of Chinese sportswear giants Anta Sports Products and Li-Ning Co, for example, both saw their share prices soar in 2017 thanks to investors’ optimism about their prospects. Their stock prices rose 49.3 per cent and 40 respectively, outpacing the 35 per cent increase of the broader Hang Seng Index during 2017.”